
2001 – “Dry fresco” (painting technique on plaster)


Assemblages, symbiosis, ecologies, living systems, speculative creations, multi-species ontologies.

“Morphs” is a series of ‘dry fresco’ paintings, a technique whereby wet paint is applied on dry plaster. The technique was popular during the early Renaissance period and used by Giotto and Fra Angelico, and much later revived by Mexican muralists Diego Rivera, and Francisco Clemente.

“Morphs” explore the concept of assemblage through representations of organic and non-organic matter intentioned to do away with the nature-culture distinction (Deleuze & Gauttari). Heterogeneous mashups of living and non-living, and organic and non-organic entities are created to speculate how these might enter into relations with one another. Tools and other instruments get incorporated and are inseparable from the assemblage, creating a machinic phylum. The effects of one body are seen to enter into composition with other affects in symbiotic relationships, to consume that body or to be consumed by it, to exchange actions and passions with it, or to join with it in composing a more powerful body.

Morphs / All media and texts © Pat Badani, 2001.